

Who can participate? 
Any child from birth until he/she begins kindergarten. You may join at any time during this period. 

Which books count? 
Books that you, a preschool teacher, a caregiver, and/or family member read to your child count towards your goal. Books read during Storytime at the library also count toward your reading goal. You may count audiobooks, ebooks and/or iPad apps that read or tell a story.

What if my child wants to read the same book over and over again? 
Repetition is one of the keys to learning to read, so each repetition counts toward your goal. If you read the same book three times, that counts as three books toward your goal.

How long will it take to reach the goal? 
This program is designed to be completed at your own pace. But consider this: if you read just three books a day with your child, in just one year you will have read 1,095 books together! Or if you read 1 book each night for three years you will have read 1,095 books together!



How do you get started?

1. Register for the program

2. Each time you complete a book login to your account and type in the title and author. When you reach the milestones of 100, 250, 500 and 750 books, your child will receive a surprise.

3. Keep reading until you reach 1000 books and your child will receive a free book and a certificate of completion.


This program has no official end date. You have a full 5 years to complete the task so do not feel rushed. Reading should not be a chore; have fun! And, take pleasure in knowing that you are creating a lifelong reader.



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